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Kaiesh CEO and Co-Founder, Lucep

Kaiesh is the CEO and Co-Founder of Lucep, a Singapore head-quartered startup that uses artificial intelligence to accelerate sales. In the past couple of years, Kaiesh has built Lucep into a company that interacts with thousands of customers around the world daily, supporting some of the worlds largest financial institutions, hospitality groups, and healthcare institutes.

While responsible for Lucep’s vision and strategy, he is still deeply involved in writing the code for the bleeding edge parts of the company’s product. He believes in breaking things if they aren’t broken just so that he can see if they can work better.

Lucep strives to create better human relationships by helping people understand each other’s needs better; using machines to automate data heavy tasks, and gamification to motivate people psychologically. Kaiesh saw the need for this after he saw a disconnect between sales teams and a company’s customers in many small businesses – as well as experiencing it first hand in companies he has run.

Kaiesh graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a first class honours degree in artificial intelligence and computer science, has worked for Accenture in the UK, Credit Suisse in Singapore, run MNCs, and served on the board of directors of global associations – using technology to transform lives all throughout.

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